
Overstocked carving gouges


SKU: 405-1402 Categories: , ,


From time to time we find ourselves with overstocked gouges.
Here you will find them at reduced prices. items will changes often

Additional information

type and size

Backbent #5-4mm, Spoonbent #7-14mm, Spoonbent skew right #1-6mm, Curved #11-30mm, Curved #10-8mm, Curved #5-18mm, Curved #5-8mm, Curved #5-4mm, Curved #5-2mm, Curved #3-14mm, Curved #3-10mm, #1 swiss 60mm, #7 swiss 60mm, #4 Tyrolise 50mm, #5 Tyrolise 50mm, #11 micro pear gouge 0.5mm, #10 hobby 6mm, Curved #10 hobby 6mm, Curved #10 hobby 8mm, #6 sweep 20mm